Are Radio Advertising Costs Worth It? How to Define Success and Drive ROI

One of the most frequent objections I received in my decade of selling radio advertising was: “Radio results are hard to...

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The Fundamentals of Building a Powerful and Memorable Brand Identity

Your brand identity is the heartbeat of your business and the cornerstone of its personality. But, like your business, y...

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Advertising KPIs: Comparing Reach vs. Spend Across Popular Media Methods

We recently shared the differences between marketing and advertising and highlighted the importance of fostering a stron...

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8 Best Practices for Advertising Your Business in a New Market

Expanding into a new market is thrilling but also filled with unknowns and risks. Like venturing deep into an uncharted ...

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How Smart Speakers Continue To Reshape Local Radio

In recent years, we've seen a massive shift in how we consume audio content. Smart speakers have become so popular that ...

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10 Ways Radio is Still Relevant Today

Is radio still relevant today? Absolutely.

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Celebrating 60 Years Of Radio Resonance

As the Vice President of Sales and Director of Marketing for Leighton Media, I’ve been at the forefront of our company’s...

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3 Ways Local Radio Can Make Your Business a Household Name in the Community

Regardless of if your business is new or has been in the community for decades, businesses of all sizes need brand aware...

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9 Reasons Radio Advertising Still Works

In an era dominated by digital marketing, one traditional medium still holds its ground: radio advertising. Since it fir...

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7 Creative Ways to Advertise Your Business in Your Local Community

You’re ready to open the doors for your grand opening celebration. Your employees are hired and trained, products are re...

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Top Tips for Creating Effective Radio Advertising

Listeners hear dozens of radio ads daily. They’re also bombarded with hundreds more advertisements on TV, online, in the...

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On-Air for 60 Years and Counting

My parents started Leighton Media 60 years ago with the goal of serving, connecting and celebrating our communities. Whi...

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