Best Advertising Strategy: Winona Family Restaurant

The value and importance of small business are something Leighton Media is proud to support across all our markets. The ...

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Best Advertising Strategy: Warpzone Video Games

Radio advertising works to solve problems unique to each business or service. The platform's ability to be tailored to d...

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Is Radio Dead in 2017?

Experts like to pretend that older technology is dying out in favor of the new. But it's far more likely that the old te...

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Does Radio Advertising Work? Here's How to Do It Right

We are moving forward steadily through 2018; it's hard to believe that fourth quarter is just around the bend. Things mo...

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What Are Radio Auction Sites?

Pretty much every radio station in the country today utilizes some sort of radio auction site. They’re called different ...

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Your Business and the Battle for Mental Real Estate

Mental real estate and top-of-mind awareness are terms that are bandied about frequently in marketing. What do they mean...

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5 Exciting Reasons Your Business Should be Involved in the Community

Being involved in the community is good for any business. For locally owned and operated businesses, though, it’s even m...

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Your Circle of Influence and Radio Go Hand-in-Hand

Have you ever had a friend, or even an acquaintance of yours, come up to you all excited about what they heard on the ra...

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Thoughts on Our Annual United Way Giving Campaign

For as long as I can remember, our St. Cloud office has held an annual fundraising campaign for the United Way of Centra...

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How J.F. Kruse Jewelers Found Success with Radio Advertising

We've already featured this client in our top advertising strategies series. That post focused on their strategy from a ...

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Does Radio Work?

You’d be surprised how many times I'm asked this question in conversation. We have stats and figures that prove radio wo...

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Coupon Sampling with a Megaphone

“Caller number 11 will win free concert tickets! Call now at 555-RADIO! Good luck!” Have you ever wondered where radio s...

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