7 Frequently Used Radio Advertising Clichés

Clichés are the stereotypes of the advertising world. They’re so common because they’re easy to write. The thing is, a c...

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How to Create Effective Radio Schedules

Once you have your radio commercial produced, it's time to decide which stations to run it on and during which dayparts....

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4 Most Common Radio Advertising Myths Busted!

In my line of work, I have the pleasure of interacting with marketing directors and business owners every day. In my ten...

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Radio Advertising Solutions as Unique as Your Business

Recently, we shared information about the various radio formats you have to choose from when running a radio advertiseme...

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Comparing Local Radio Advertising vs. Digital Radio Advertising

Local radio. Digital radio. What’s the difference? What are their advantages? And, most importantly, where should you ad...

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Branding Your Company On The Radio

Branding on the radio is about making an emotional connection with your customers and ensuring your business is the firs...

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