What Are Radio Auction Sites?

Pretty much every radio station in the country today utilizes some sort of radio auction site. They’re called different ...

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Highlights of My Career in Radio

I asked our staff to submit stories, memories, and personal anecdotes from their career in radio. The response was overw...

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“My Career Highlights": Stories From the Leighton Media World

Success looks different and is defined in many different ways. At Leighton Media, it’s first and foremost about the peop...

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How do You Brand on the Radio?

We talk a lot about branding on the radio, but how exactly does it work? What’s involved in the process? There are three...

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Your Business and the Battle for Mental Real Estate

Mental real estate and top-of-mind awareness are terms that are bandied about frequently in marketing. What do they mean...

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3 Steps: Tie Your Radio Marketing Plan Into Other Efforts

If yours is like most local businesses, you probably have several marketing activities going on simultaneously. Perhaps ...

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All About Bricks: Dramatizing & Positioning Your Business Against the Competition (Part 3 of 3)

In our last two blog entries, we talked about the concept of bricks and mortar as an analogy for creating successful adv...

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All about Mortar: The Strategy Based Message that Holds Your Brand Together [Part 2 of 3]

We’re in the midst of a three-part series of posts explaining the concept of bricks and mortar and how it relates to bui...

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An Intro to Bricks & Mortar and the Importance of Consistency in Advertising [Part 1 of 3]

When you’re building a home, one of the materials you can choose from is bricks and mortar. These are durable and struct...

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5 Exciting Reasons Your Business Should be Involved in the Community

Being involved in the community is good for any business. For locally owned and operated businesses, though, it’s even m...

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A Recap of the 2016 BrandsFormation Seminar

On October 19th, our home office in St. Cloud held its annual BrandsFormation® seminar. Led by author, speaker and busin...

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Your Circle of Influence and Radio Go Hand-in-Hand

Have you ever had a friend, or even an acquaintance of yours, come up to you all excited about what they heard on the ra...

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