The Fundamentals of Building a Powerful and Memorable Brand Identity

Your brand identity is the heartbeat of your business and the cornerstone of its personality. But, like your business, y...

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8 Best Practices for Advertising Your Business in a New Market

Expanding into a new market is thrilling but also filled with unknowns and risks. Like venturing deep into an uncharted ...

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9 Reasons Radio Advertising Still Works

In an era dominated by digital marketing, one traditional medium still holds its ground: radio advertising. Since it fir...

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Top Tips for Creating Effective Radio Advertising

Listeners hear dozens of radio ads daily. They’re also bombarded with hundreds more advertisements on TV, online, in the...

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5 Reasons Your Business Should Have a Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing, also known as Internet marketing, is a broad term that uses online, mobile, and in-app techniques to ...

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Our BrandsFormation Philosophy

I've found that, in life, most things that have had lasting success were built off a system. Think about the steps you’v...

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5 Thoughts About "Tickle the Toes, Touch the Heart, Change the Mind"

Chuck Mefford’s specialty is connecting businesses to consumers. He takes great pride in partnering with good local busi...

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What is a Company’s Brand? What’s Your Brand?

A brand is your logo, your website, and your tagline. A brand is your color scheme and your brand usage booklet. It’s yo...

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How to Market Your Business on the Radio

Radio is one of the most popular forms of conventional advertising. It can also be one of the most effective. Why? Radio...

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4 Elements for Perfectly Memorable Radio Ads

Anyone with a daily commute to the office spends at least a few minutes listening to the radio in the car. While some of...

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How to Make an Advertising Plan in 10 Easy Steps

Every business needs an advertising plan. Think of it as your guide to promoting your business. Your plan will tell you ...

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