How to Make an Advertising Plan in 10 Easy Steps

Every business needs an advertising plan. Think of it as your guide to promoting your business. Your plan will tell you ...

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5 Ways Radio Advertising and Branding Can Benefit Your Business

Radio advertising has long been a consistent form of advertising, broadcasting media, news, and marketing material to li...

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Radio Advertising by the Numbers: an Illustration

When meeting with new clients, we often get to a point in the conversation where they ask our marketing team about "the ...

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Leighton Media's 2018 rising Through the Ranks Grads

Continuing education is one of Leighton Media's core values. We believe that to remain some of the best in the business,...

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The Benefits of Event Sponsorship

Get in front of the people you want as customers. Expand your reach, connect with new markets, boost your name recogniti...

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Terms from the World of Radio

Have you ever been in a store or business and you heard employees talking while you think "I wonder what that means?" We...

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The Value of Live Radio Remotes and Meet-and-Greets

When you're trying to reach local consumers, you can't afford to overlook your local radio station.

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What Live Music Means To People

Think about the last concert you went to. Try to remember how you felt listening to the music, the feeling of the crowd ...

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Advertising Tips from the Expert: Chuck Mefford

Leighton Media has partnered with BrandsFormation™ for over 20 years, and I thought I’d share some of the best tips, dir...

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How Leighton Broadcasting Gives Back To Our Community

Since our founding in 1975, Leighton Broadcasting has been giving back to the communities our broadcast signals reach. O...

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Good Vs. Bad Radio Advertising

It’s a work morning. You grab your cup of coffee from the counter, snag your keys from your pocket, and hop into your ca...

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