3 Essential Advantages of an Event SponsorshipFrom the backs of Little League jerseys to booths at festivals, corporate sponsorship is everywhere. A symbiotic relationship of sorts, event sponsorships provide funding in support of an organization, charity, festival, or conference in return for advertising and name placement. Providing the opportunity to put your brand name and identity front and center, sponsoring an event related to your business goals can open your company up to a whole new market just waiting to be tapped.

In fact, a recent study by eMarketer showed over 90% of U.S. companies incorporated sponsorship in their marketing strategies and in 2013, nearly 14% of business marketing budgets went to sponsorship.

These three essential advantages to event sponsorship can help you grow your business and drive revenue, no matter your industry.

1.) Expand Name Recognition

A corporate sponsorship does many things, allowing you to make a positive contribution, support non-profits and start-ups, and get involved locally. By acting as a sponsor and reserving a booth at a trade show, festival, or other event, you can increase your brand visibility in the community, displaying your company name loudly and proudly. A visual, in-person statement can be very valuable when it comes to memory, making a personal presence in support of your company an interaction or experience event goers will remember. Building personal relationships puts your business front and center, making it hard for those who meet you to forget.

2.) Meet the Right People

Setting up a booth at an event will put you in touch with hundreds or even thousands of potential customers. It also gives you the chance to meet others in the industry who can move your business forward.

A recent event, the annual St. Cloud Craft Beer Tour featured over 3,000 attendees and 100 breweries, giving corporate sponsors the unique opportunity to network with thousands of passionate community members, beer aficionados, and food service industry experts. Selecting an event that complements what you have to offer, like a craft fair for an art supply company, a chili cook off for restaurants and grocers, or a medical conference for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, gives you the power to connect with those who are the most likely to help your business grow.

3.) Build Your Reputation

In addition to putting you in contact with the right people and highlighting your brand, sponsorships have another key advantage: elevating your status in the community. Acting as an event sponsor emphasizes the reach your name has in the area, depicting your business as one that wishes to give back by fostering community involvement. Sponsoring an event can cast your business in a charitable light, showing your affection and compassion for the place you call home and garnering the support of local event attendees.

Leighton Events

As a marketing resource, Leighton Events aims to put your business in the spotlight at the party of your choice, pairing corporate sponsors in need of local marketing with appropriate events. With the ability to put a face to your brand and do it in front of thousands of people, you can choose your perfect event, giving you the power to expand your audience, grow your brand, and improve your standing in the local business market.

An investment in both your community and your business, serving as an event sponsor can help boost your local marketing efforts, maximizing your budget and putting you in contact with hundreds of people who can help you build your brand. Every event isn't the right fit for every company, but finding the perfect occasion to celebrate may be the solution your marketing efforts need.