Andy's Towing is a professional and reliable towing service specializing in heavy duty recovery, grain vac service, wheel lift towing for cars, motorhomes, motorcycles, and buses. Andy's Towing has professional, well-trained staff that assist those in need in Central Minnesota, and they have a dedicated dispatcher ready to receive your requests 24/7. 

Best Advertising Strategy: Andy's Towing


A consistent theme of Andy's Towing's radio strategy is community education and community awareness. The community education aspect focuses on communicating who Andy's is, along with sharing all that they have to offer. As you read above, Andy's can help with much more than a jumpstart and a tow. It's important for people to understand when they could and should call on Andy's Towing.

In terms of community awareness, we focus on maintaining top-of-mind awareness. That way, when you find yourself in a situation that requires one or more of their services, you'll already know you can contact Andy's. 

Realistically, everyone is a potential customer for Andy's Towing, so it's important their radio ads reach and appeal to a wide, diverse audience. They advertise on all four of our radio stations in St. Cloud, MN through radio spots as well as news and weather sponsorships. 

"We are the only AAA authorized service provider in our area, and we also provide services that other companies don't. And I believe radio helps us get that message out."

-Joe Kampa, Owner of Andy's Towing


Each of Andy's Towing's radio ads focuses on a single brick. Did you pick out the brick from the ads above? It's their AAA Certification. Another popular brick for their radio ads is the fact that they have a live dispatcher taking calls 24/7.

The mortar that holds the messaging together comes from the consistent voice: Joe Kampa, Owner of Andy's Towing, voices the radio ads himself. When it's appropriate, his wife and children also contribute their voices to the ads:

I'm sure you picked up on the catchy jingle in each of the ads. That's another bit of mortar that keeps their advertising strategy consistent across ads and channels. Their number is memorable because of the jingle, and also because the number itself includes the business name: 888-55-ANDYS. 


When you're working with thirty-second ads, you need to be intentional with how every second is used, and that's exactly what Andy's Towing does with bricks and mortar. Sure they offer a gamut of services to their customers, but each ad is direct and focused on a single idea. 

By maintaining consistency through their branding approach, Andy's is able to resonate with their wide audience base in a way that helps them stand out from any competition. By having their ads voiced by the company owner (and, at times, his family) it allows their customer base to connect with the company on a personal level - an approach that can be extremely valuable for local businesses. 

Finally, Andy's Towing continues to evolve their strategy to ensure it continues to resonate with their audience. It's important to note, however, that they accomplish this while maintaining consistency throughout their messaging. 

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